Hengji center is located at 18 jianguo men nei street, a prime location in the center of Beijing. It was rated as one of the "top ten buildings in Beijing" in the 1990s. Facing Beijing international hotel, south of Beijing railway station, east of cofco plaza and customs building, west of Beijing post building, located in the commercial center.
Hengji center is jointly designed by Beijing architectural design and research institute and Hong Kong guan shanming architects co., LTD., focusing on the use of exquisite classical architectural treatment techniques and integration of ancient capital style and concept, the office building in the northeast corner of the top bell tower as a symbol of the nearby area. The application of the green copper plate on the top of the bell tower and the green double-layer insulating glass on the external wall makes the tone of the whole building more harmonious. In addition, the details and line decorations carefully processed on all parts of the external wall fully reflect the perfect combination of the classical style and the sense of The Times.
Hengji center is located in jianguo men neijie street, changan street, adjacent to the second embassy district, CBD business district. Close to Beijing subway station and jianguomen station. The design of the whole property combines the essence of Chinese and western architecture. The top of the classical Chinese eaves is matched with the appearance of modern western glass curtain wall. Climb the building and get a panoramic view of the city center.
商 场:赛特购物中心、恒基商城、日坛国际贸易中心、雅宝商城、苏宁电器、国美商城
餐 饮:东来顺青春逗小火锅、太平洋咖啡(万豪店)、川骄海鲜自助(万豪店)、韩时烤肉(北京站店)、巴里岛咖啡(北京站店)、渝信川菜(长安店)
酒 店:北京长安街W酒店、北京国际饭店、欣悦宾馆(泡子河胡同)、富润酒店(北京站店)、汉庭酒店(北京站前广场店)、汉庭酒店(北京站前广场店)
银 行:中国银行、工商银行、广发银行、招商银行、建设银行、民生银行、建设银行
超 市:物美超市(北京站东街店)、华联超市、华润万家(东花市店)、世纪华联超市(建华南路店)、世纪华联超市(建华南路店)、世纪联华超市(北京站中街店)、华欣生活超市(建国门店)
地 铁:2号线北京站
公 交:北京站东:9路、20路、29路、39路、52路、122路、126路、140路、403路、619路、622路、637路、638路、639路、668路、673路、674路、804路、805路快车、938快、957路、000京东运乔建材城快车、北京站-北京西站接驳线、夜10内、夜17路、夜19路、夜21路、夜24路、夜28路、夜5路。建国门南:20路、39路、43路、44路外环、44内、52路、22路、139路、637路、638路、特12路内环、特12路外环、特2路、夜10内、夜19路、夜20内、夜20外、夜24路、夜28路。北京站口东:1路、52路、120路、126路、140路、637路、673路、特2路、夜1路、夜24路。北京站前街:9路、24路、126路、619路、673路、674路、804路、特2路、夜10外、夜28路。北京站口西:39路、夜10内、夜17路
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